Getting rid of your double chin can seem impossible, can be tough on your confidence, and make you feel older than you are. In today’s discussion, we’re asking how you can quickly get rid of unwanted fat under the chin without surgery with Kybella! We’re covering the ins and outs of Kybella treatment, to answer commonly asked questions, and join in on the debate between Kybells vs Lipo Suction, so that you may decide for yourself whether or not Kybella is right for you.
What is Kybella?”
Kybella is the only FDA approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin! The technical term for double chin is “submental fullness” and is extremely common for people of a wide range of ages and lifestyle backgrounds. You don’t have to be overweight to struggle with a double chin, it can be attributed to genetics and lots of other factors!
“How does Kybella work?”
Kybella gets its magic from synthetic deoxycholic acid. A mouth full! Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, fat cells are permanently destroyed, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once the fat cells are destroyed, and you have reached your aesthetic goal, you won’t need further treatment. Although swelling can be expected, recovery time can be expected to last 2-4 weeks depending on how fast you heal. Risks involved in Lipo Surgery are much more severe than that of Kybella, not to mention more costly than the quick injections!
“What about the swelling?”
A big thing that has contributed to the debate between Kybella and surgical solutions for the double chin has been the reports of swelling in the treatment area. Why does the area under your chin swell after the treatment? Dr Anolik explains how our body has an immune response that is triggered by the fat cells being destroyed. “Anytime something in our body is not where it should be — like when the inside of a fat cell is suddenly on the outside [which occurs when a cell wall dissolves] — the body responds as though it’s being injured, initiating a healing process that results in inflammation,” On the upside: That healing also boosts collagen production and remodelling, which can lead to a tauter jawline. “Even a year out, patients continue to look better, and that’s probably because of the skin tightening that’s occurring over time,” he adds. Even with the swelling, there are perks to the body’s natural response to the treatment!
When it comes to treating your double chin, it’s important to understand that everybody is different and will have varied responses to the Kybella treatment. Some may need two treatments, some may need four or more. When deciding whether or not to go under the knife, it’s important to understand that there are other, less invasive options just around the corner. Feel free to reach out to us for more information about Kybella!
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