Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. You’ve probably heard that a million times but it is TRUE. The desire to lose weight is something that nearly everyone can relate to, whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 50 it can be a daunting task. There are a million and one programs on the market for weight loss and choosing one that is right for you can be confusing and discouraging.
One diet that we happily promote for a healthier lifestyle is the Keto Diet. Keto Diet aka The Caveman Diet consists of high fat and low carb, it typically contains 75% fat, 20% protein and only 5% carbs. Keto has many health benefits and is scientifically proven to work if you do it right. If you want to read more about these scientific studies click here! The Keto Diet puts your body in a state called ketosis, which means your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat. Many of our clients start their weight loss journey with our focus on lowering their carb intake the first couple of weeks before going full Keto. This is to avoid what is known as “keto flu” your body is switching energy fuels and in turn can cause lower energy levels, nausea, digestion interruption etc., however, this is temporary and usually lasts only a couple of days. A great way to prep your body for weight loss and transition to a healthier diet is to do a cleanse or detox.
A cleanse is designed to remove toxins at the cellular level, and toxins love to hide in fat cells. This process helps aid in digestion and accelerates weight loss by clearing out build up in your colon. From time to time your body needs a reset; apoptosis which is the cell death process, slows over time and detoxing your body using a cleanse can reset apoptosis. Jump starting this process will help your body create new healthy cells faster and get rid of the old “sick” cells. The M’lis Total Body Cleanse kits provide specific support that your body needs. The M’lis Total Body Cleanse detoxes not just your colon, but also your liver, your blood, your organs and your skin. The Total Body Cleanse is a great way to jump-start your weight loss or get you over that hurdle you can’t seem to pass.
Another easy addition you can make to your wellness program is a Probiotic. If you constantly feel tired, foggy, anxious, or forgetful, you may need to evaluate your gut health. Incorporating a Probiotic into your daily routine is a great way to start healing your gut and detoxing your body. When your gut is working properly all parts of your body work more efficiently, including its ability to use food as fuel.
Weight loss is nothing to fear when you have the right tools and support. Our programs are designed with your success in mind! Eating healthy and taking the proper supplements is something that should be looked at as a transition in lifestyle and not a temporary solution. All these changes should always be monitored by a medical professional to ensure you’re helping your body and not working against it. Fad diets, starvation diets and insane workouts cannot supplement a healthy BALANCED lifestyle. Finding balance within your diet and exercise routines can improve your overall health and promote weight loss.